Each month I set a few goals and publicly post them for increased accountability. I try to pick something new and many are experimental in nature.

November Goals:

  1. Write daily
  2. Get out of bed when I wake up

Write daily:
One of my October goals was to write 4 days a week. I failed. The intermittent frequency made it easy to push it off until another day. I also lacked the right structure in my schedule to make it easy to start each day. For November, I am upping the frequency to daily.

Maybe counterintuitive, but I would rather write bad content than not write at all. The less I write, the more pressure I feel in writing quality content. Second, I will build in times and mental rules to make it an easy habit to stick with - more to come on that.

Getting out of bed:
I did a similar goal in September. A month later, I am sleeping reasonable hours, but it’s tempting to stay in bed in the morning. Going to push myself to get out when I wake up.

October Goals:

Here’s how I did on my October goals:

  1. Cut red meat from my diet - SUCCESS
    I found this pretty easy, though I broke it at a couple of dinners when I didn’t have a choice.
  2. Publish 4 days a week - FAIL
    Let this slip; restarting this month.