Dear Mayor Schaaf,

Thank you for another year as our mayor. I appreciate your dedication to public service and for your policies on economic development, homelessness, and transit. So many exciting things are happening in our city and I am excited for Oakland in 2020.

As we enter a new decade, I would like to draw your attention to a project that would align with Oakland’s goals.

Claremont Avenue is one of the main roads between Temescal and Rockridge - and it is dangerous. A motorist died this year, and I believe pedestrians are put in unnecessary danger because of the road’s design.

Like the Telegraph Avenue: Complete Streets Plan, a similar project for Claremont Avenue would be a massive improvement to our city. By implementing a road diet, bike lanes, and pedestrian bulb-outs, we could expect:

  1. Improved safety for pedestrians and motorists
  2. More flexible transit options
  3. New economic development
  4. A better connection between two vibrant neighborhoods

I have written my complete thoughts about this project here. I would appreciate any feedback and your help in getting a conversation started.

Claremont could be so much more than it is today, and it’s on us to bring it to its full potential. I am hopeful that we can do so in the next decade.

Thank you, and Happy New Year!


Andrew Hess
Rockridge Resident since 2016